22XX Wiki
Welcome to Mega Man Metaverse MUSH's Game Wiki
143 articles since June, 2009.

Mega Man Metaverse Mush is an online text-based roleplaying game based on the Mega Man series of games, anime and manga, intended for audiences 16+. The characters and roleplaying scenarios presented on the game are based upon the existing works presented in the official sources, and adapted to a new in-game universe with its own history and conflicts. The story takes place in modern day settings, with characters from other Mega Man series adapted into the twenty first century of an alternate Earth, in which sentient, free-willed machines are in conflict with their human creators.

If you're interested in participating, see the Getting Started page for information on how.

MMV is located at: antiverse.org port 2200. You will need a MUSH or MUD client to connect to it. We recommend SimpleMU or MuckClient software.

It is recommended but not required that you join the mailing list by e-mailing staff at staff@antiverse.org. The mailing list will be used to provide news about outage status, new server locations, and other important mush wide news.
